Dianna Smiley
I've been working on shipping the latest version of Launchday. The story I'm trying to focus on is something like "You're launching soon and need to be 100% focused on your product. Don't lose precious days designing, coding, and testing a product site. Instead, build one in minutes."
What do you y'all think? Would love some feedback from @Ab or @Adolfo?
Dianna Smiley
I've been working on shipping the latest version of Launchday. The story I'm trying to focus on is something like "You're launching soon and need to be 100% focused on your product. Don't lose precious days designing, coding, and testing a product site. Instead, build one in minutes."
What do you y'all think? Would love some feedback from @Ab or @Adolfo?
Ab Hadley
Looking good Dianna! I like the image grid on the left, but it feels like a lot to process and doesn't really show me what the product does? I think using a short looping video or something similar demo'ing the product might be better?